Articles tagged with Download:

  • ThinkPython 双语学编程

    Finally I finished the translation of ThinkPython. All the files can be found here.

    我总算是翻译完了这本 ThinkPython。所有文件都可以在这里下载。

    There are there different formats of the translated book, which contains an epub …

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Telescope Life FuckChunWan Server Geology RTL-SDR Hack RaspberryPi Python Pyenv macOS GeoPython Communicate IDE Lesson Story Mount&Blade Visualization ChromeBook GIS VTK Camera VirtualBox Translation Junck Disease Raspbian QEMU Science MayaVi NAS Kivy University Software Poem Scholar FckZhiHu Game Learning Xcode Hadoop DIY Hardware Video Linux Book Photo Shit Memory Microscope Hackintosh Chat Programming Radio Virtualization Hate Photography PHD Mac CUDA GlumPy Translate PyOpenCL Moon QGIS Lens Discuss HBase FuckZhihu Download Library OpenCL Data Conda QT VisPy